Senin, 04 April 2022

The Most Beautiful Graduation

 By : Aurelia Natasya (9D)

The breeze greeted my afternoon as if it greeted me. Birds chirped happily indicating the day had moved up. I was standing on the fourth floor of this university that students who here joking and laughing on the campus’first plaza, as if therethey faced no burden in life. The joy I always showed up had turned to be sad face today. It was because I could not express my true self to anyone.

I tried to convince myself that tomorrow would be the day I had been waiting for. The most beautiful day where i could fulfill my parents’wishes, the day i would make my parents proud to have a child like me, the day when someone’s strunggle would be paid off. Yes tomorrow is the day. I Will be inducted into a graduation. As other parents think, when their children graduate, they will be very happy. 

“ahhhhhhh” i took a deep breath as if i could not believe that tomorrow was the time for the graduation to take place. I convinced myself and then slowly I left the deserted fourth floor. My footsteps stopped on the second floor where the invitation and graduation Gown where taken. As i thought the second floor was filled with student’s who would take their gowns and graduation invitations, Among them were my classmates and the others were students from other major.

 From distance someone approached me. Andy, my classmate since the third semester I was in college.

”Lin how are you”, asked Andi.

 Linda : "ok ndi, do you want to take the toga?"

 Andi : "yes Lin, by the way.. can I take your invitation? My grandfather wants to come, so I need extra invitation." 

Linda : " Ummm, well... let me consider."

Most students had already known that my parents would not come tomorrow. But I would never give this invitation to anyone. For me this graduation invitation is proof of my hand work so far, so I would dedicate this invitation to the people I love the most, my parents.

Having taken the invitation and Toga, I walked home. My house is not too far from school so every day I decide to walk to save money. However, sometimes I came late to class since  i have to work hard to pay for my college every morning. What i usually do is sewing, by opening a small business which I named “Linda silk”. I was finally able to pay for my studies to completion

I started it  three years ago, when our Family had to accept the harsh reality that i can not forget to this day. At that time I still remember when i was in the car when i came home from traveling. Me, my mother and father were walking along the street when suddenly a car from the opposite direction hit both my parents. Both could not be saved.

The bitter story did not end there. Finally, the car we had was the only one we used to pay for my funeral and treatment because at that time my injuries were very severe.

“This world is cruel”a thing i used to think about this life. But I realize life must go on. I had to try to get back up and started to organize my new life, my own life which i still had to face with a smille no matter how bitter itu was.

When i got home i looked at the photo of my father and mother, in my heart i said “Dad..Mum... I would be graduated tomorrow. WIll you come ?”. I said to my self, my tears accidentally rolled down my face, remembering my mother’s message before she died.

“Linda, i really want to see you at graduation, wearing a toga and curtains around your neck. Those were the last words before the fatal accident happened, those words seemed to stuck in my mind that i can never forget. Because of that message i fought as hard as i could to make my mother’s dream come true even though i knew she was gone.

 It’s sad. Living alone at home feels lonely, but how else can i just smile no matter what happens because life will never stop. That’s my motto to stay firm in the face of every dynamic of life.

The nighfall without my recognition. I decided to sleep earlier than usual beacuse there were many sewing orders I had not finished.

The long awaited day has finally arrived, where i can make my parents feel proud of me. In the morning i prepared to walk slowly but surely towards the graduation procession. Upon arrival at the university. I walked to the place that has been determined by the committee. One by one, I saw my friends coming with their extended family

Lussi :”congratulations Linda,”. 

Linda :”congratulations to you too sis”.

Lussi was my closest friend, I already regarded her as my own family. She  always helped me when i was in trouble. Once a week we stayed at my house while doing tasks together. She was also the one who always solved my problems. Once, my house was visited by robbers. Then Lussi fought back the robber reached his hand even though she was a woman but she was never afraid of robbers because since childhood she had learned martial art.

 “Graduation procession”

The first MC shouted what the graduation would begin soon. One by one the students were called by name to be removed by the rector as a symbol that the students had officially graduated. My turn took a long time because this year there were a lot of students who were about to graduate. After a long walk, MC finally called.

 “Linda Eka Yanti” . That was my name. I slowly approached the Rector to graduate. Finally, the Rector moved my pigtail from left to right. It was a symbol that I had graduate.

And the graduation ceremony ended like a graduation ceremony that I often saw. After the event was over, everyone took pictures to kee[ this historic moment. 

Lussi :”Lin, let’s take a photo first, while our friends are still complete”. 

Linda :”later”.

My mind is only focused on one goal. Namely the graves of father and mother. So I went straight to the tomb. When i arrived at the cemetery I immediately approached the back corner of the cemetery. That’s where the graves of my father and mother are. Wearing graduation clothes, toga and curtains still wrapped around my neck, I walked to the graves of my parents, after arriving spontaneously I hugged my beloved mother’s gravestone without realizing tears were falling.

Mom and Dad, I have reached this line... I make your dream come true. I graduate as you wish. Are you proud of me? Do you see me from up above? 

After saying those words, my tears started to fail. Tears that I had been keeping to myself for so long and now I can not hold them back anymore. When I had to struggle alone to reach my dream to graduate without the warmth and accompanion of family, but today I can show everyone that I can achieve that dream. And I am sure, in heaven my parents are smiling proudly for me.

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